Carbon dioxide is used in a variety of industrial, pharmaceutical, and food and drink applications. The concentration of CO2 in ambient air is only approximately 0.04%, making air separation commercially unfeasible. Producing carbon dioxide requires that it be recovered and purified from the byproduct of large-scale chemical or biological processes, which produce high volumes of relatively CO2-rich off-gas. The most common sources are hydrogen or ammonia plants, as well as fermentation processes like the production of ethanol. CO2-rich natural gas reservoirs may also serve as good sources of CO2.

CO2 adsorbent materials such as monoethanolamine (MEA) are used to scrub the gas stream, adsorbing the CO2 content. The MEA is then heated, causing it to release the dissolved CO2 gas which is then captured and the MEA is reused to capture more CO2 and the process is repeated.

Oxygen sensing is crucial to the operation of CO2 generators, as it is necessary to know that the gas you are producing is up to the quality you desire. We offer state-of-the-art, reliable electrochemical sensors that are compatible with CO2 that can measure down to parts-per-million or low percent oxygen for CO2 capture. Our analyzers range from the 19” rack mount OMD-675, to the compact OMD-507, to the portable OMD-580 for spot checking to fit all stages of gas generation and all sizes of CO2 generators.

0 – 1 PPM Low Range Integral Sample System Bi-Directional Communication 100 – 240 VAC Power Fully Adjustable Alarms
Optional 2-wire Loop Indoor Enclosure Optional KF-40 Sensor Connection