Southland Sensing precision infrared carbon dioxide analyzes offer a cost effective and user friendly design packed full of features.
CO2 is typically measured in natural gas extraction, pipelines and processing; landfill gas monitoring, biogas and many other industrial applications.
Most analyzers and sensors are in stock for fast shipment. For pricing and availability, and special configurations please contact your customer service representative.
Designed to measure both trace (parts-per-million) and percent carbon dioxide (CO2) in a hazardous area environment. The unit combines an advanced set of electronic features including a smart MENU interface along with our industry leading infrared sensor technology. The analyzer is easy to operate and maintain which results in a highly reliable hazardous area platform for measuring carbon dioxide.
Specific applications typically include continuous real-time monitoring of natural gas extraction & processing, landfill gas monitoring, biogas and other industrial processes that require a hazardous area design.